
“Health industry experts, we raise with our hands!”


The graduate school of health industry, through systematic theoretical and practical education, we aim to educate specialists in health and welfare fields with personality and ingenuity.

In the 21st century, we face new social risks such as low fertility and aging society, but we are seeking social consensus on “lifelong welfare” with a desire to improve the quality of life.


As a result, a large number of professional workers such as public officials, clinical researchers, and social workers based on health and welfare expertise are required in domestic and overseas government agencies, health organizations, social welfare practice sites and major research institutes.


The graduate school of health industry is equipped with excellent faculty members in health, clinical research, social welfare, medical beauty field, Cha hospital and related governmental institutions. So, It’s trying to maximize the effectiveness of scientific theoretical education and on-the-job training through the use of pools of specialist workforce focused on the field.


We hope you will have the opportunity to grow as a ready talent for the 21st century at our graduate school.

Head of Dept. of Graduate school of health industry
Byungyool Jun